Florian 88 Day Roman Emperor 276AD Biography Buy Authentic Ancient Coins
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Florian 88 Day Roman Emperor A fun way to learn about ancient
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Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Florian - Roman Emperor: 276 A.D. -
Bronze Antoninianus Cyzicus mint: June - August 276 A.D.
Reference: RIC 116c, C 15
IMPFLORIANVSAVG - Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
CONCORDIAMILITVM - Florian standing left on right, raising hand and
holding scepter, being crowned with wreath by Victory on left, holding
Annius Florianus (died 276), commonly known as Florian in
English, was a
Roman Emperor who ruled in 276.
Florian was reportedly a maternal half-brother to
Marcus Claudius Tacitus. According to
sources, he was chosen by the army in the West to succeed Tacitus in
276, without the
Roman Senate consensus. However he
minted coins bearing the "SC"
legend, thus showing some bonds to the Senate.
He was fighting against the
Heruli when the army in the East
Probus. He had the support of
Hispania, Britain, Africa, and
Mauretania. The two rival emperors met in battle in Cilicia. Florianus
had the larger army, but Probus was a more experienced general, and
avoided a direct clash. Probus likely secured a small victory, and
Florian was assassinated by his own troops near Tarsus once their
confidence was lost. Florianus died in September 276, having been
emperor for only 88 days.
In the Middle Ages the
von Blumenthal family claimed descent
from him, apparently because both names refer to flowers.