Marcus Aurelius father of Commodus Gladiator Movie Emperor Ancient Roman Coins Guide
Marcus Aurelius was from a time period of Roman history ruled by what is now
named the Adoptive Emperors. From emperor Nerva on until Marcus Aurelius, the
Roman emperors adopted as their "son" the next succeeding emperor. This era was
known for immense prosperity. However, Marcus Aurelius actually broke the
customs of "adopting" able administrators and instead chose his son to succeed
him. This caused some issued in history as his son was not as positive for the
Roman empire as his father was. This time period has been popularized by the
famous Hollywood film, the Gladiator, with Russell Crowe. The fact is that
Commodus did fight in the arena, and it made for an interesting story in the
Most people don't know that coins of Marcus Aurelius and other Roman emperors
and empresses can be owned almost on any budget. This guide was designed to show
the "adoptive" emperors up to Marcus Aurelius and ends with his son Commodus.
This gives you a very great idea of what these ancient coins looked like and the
types that were available.
Click here to see all coins of Marcus Aurelius available for sale
Click here to see all the ancient coins available for sale in my online eBay
coin shop
Click here to see the article with the coins shown in the video
Additional Resources
Marcus Aurelius
Gladiator Movie
Ancient Greek Roman Byzantine Medieval Coins Reference Books Guide and
Review (Article with Video)
Chronological List of
All Roman Emperors, Empresses and other
Important Personages on Ancient Coins
Best Video Courses on Ancient Greek and Roman History
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