NERO Ancient Coins of the Infamous Roman Emperor Guide for Sale
Emperor Nero was emperor from 54-68 A.D. Nero is infamous for having watched Rome burn while he fiddled as the story goes. He is also known to Christian biblical historians as someone who persecuted the early Christians, blaming them for the fire in Rome. This guide is designed to show some authentic ancient Roman coins that Nero had along with telling you a little bit ofhistory about them. Towards the end of the video, Ilya Zlobin shares where the emperors ancient coins can be foudn for sale in his eBay shop, along with some of the best coin and historical books on the subject.
Click here to see
all ancient coins of Nero for sale
Click here to see complete article with coins
featured in the video
Click here to visit ancient coin shop
specializing in Ancient Greek Roman and Byzantine
Additional Resources
Books Mentioned in the Video
Ancient Coin Collecting III: The Roman World -
Politics and Propaganda (No. 3)
Coinage and History of the Roman Empire:2 Vol set
Eric II The Encyclopedia
of Roman Imperial Coins
Imperial Coins and Values, The Local Coinages of the Roman Empire
Nero, Emperor in revolt
Video Course - Emperors of Rome
Emperors of Rome - DVD - on Amazon
The Emperors of Rome Audio CD on Amazon
this article by right-clicking here and selecting save as
Article by Ilya Zlobin, world-renowned expert numismatist, enthusiast, author and dealer in authentic ancient Greek, ancient Roman, ancient Byzantine coins and beyond.